
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Android Multi Image Picker Module

Multi Image Picker module helps to select multiple images from Gallery.

This module developed from existing Android open source library MultipleImagePick. And it uses Universal image loader library for asynchronous loading and caching.

Multiple Image Picker Screen

Features and Benefits:
  • Select multiple images - Option to select multiple images from Gallery and fast scroll over the Gallery
  • Maximum selection limit - Option to set maximum image selection limit
  • Custom button title and error message - There is a option to customize button title and error message
  • Method for scale down the bitmap - To avoid out of memory issue, this module has in build bitmap scale down method
  • Callback methods - Success, error and cancel callback methods

var gallerypicker = require('titutorial.gallerypicker');
    cancelButtonTitle: "Cancel",
    doneButtonTitle: "Okay",
    title: "Custom Gallery",
    errorMessage: "Limit reached",
    limit: 10,
    success: function (e) {"response is => " + JSON.stringify(e));
        var imgArray = e.filePath.split(",");

        for (var i = 0; i < imgArray.length; i++) {
            if (imgArray[i]) {
                var imgView = Ti.UI.createImageView({
                    left: '10dp',
                    top: '10dp',
                    image: gallerypicker.decodeBitmapResource(imgArray[i], 100, 100)
    error: function (e) {
        alert("error " + JSON.stringify(e));

Source code :
Module :

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Android Module Development - Part 5

This is the follow up post from Android Module Development series. Today I am
going to continue with next topic which is Using XML layouts in modules.
  1. Understanding methods, properties, constants and module life cycle
  2. Using event listeners and callbacks in Module
  3. Converting native control into Titanium view
  4. Accessing module and app resources
  5. Using XML layouts in modules
Usually in native Android development, we will define out user interface and layouts in xml file. Same thing we can implement in Titanium Android module also. For that we have to use LayoutInflater.

LayoutInflater class is used to instantiate layout XML file into its corresponding View objects. In other words, it takes as input an XML file and builds the View objects from it.

Lets consider our RatingBar module, here I am using xml layout file (raingbar_layout.xml) to create RatingBar with custom styles. In module I can access the xml layout elements in following way
View raingBarWrapper;
int resId_raingBarHolder = -1, resId_ratingBar = -1;

//fetching app package name and resources 
String packageName = proxy.getActivity().getPackageName();
Resources resources = proxy.getActivity().getResources();

//fetching resource id
resId_raingBarHolder = resources.getIdentifier("raingbar_layout", "layout", packageName);
resId_ratingBar = resources.getIdentifier("ratingbar_default","id", packageName);

LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getActivity());
//inflating "raingbar_layout" xml file
raingBarWrapper = inflater.inflate(resId_raingBarHolder, null);

//getting reference to RatingBar component in layout
ratingBar = (RatingBar) raingBarWrapper.findViewById(resId_ratingBar);

//adding properties to RatingBar component

XML layout file (raingbar_layout.xml)


Source Code:
You can download entire RatingBar module source code here